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I want to be discipled

Want to know how to grow deeper in a relationship with God? Do you need someone to walk alongside you in this journey to help you practically live a life where Jesus is Lord? We love getting together in large group settings and Family Groups, but there's something about doing life-on-life discipleship with someone that really helps us get to where we would like to be in our faith!


Allow us to help connect you with one of our incredible, trained disciple-makers here at Revival City. In order for us to best do that, please fill out the information below.


We can't wait to see where your journey takes you!

I want to disciple someone

We're so thankful for and proud of your willingness to be a disciple-maker! As we continue to get new people who need to be discipled, we will partner them together with disciple-makers like you. Please take a moment to fill out the information below as it will help us determine how to best match you with disciples.


If you are already discipling someone, please let us know so that one of our discipleship coaches can come alongside you in support!

Click here to learn how to disciple someone.


Next training: TBA

Many understand that every believer has been given the command to do so, but they just don't know HOW to do it...


If you would like to be trained on how to personally make disciples, join us for our next Discipleship Training. Please RSVP as soon as you can below so that we can send you materials you will have to read before you come.

How to disciple someone

How to disciple someone?


We believe that it is every believer's responsibility and privilege to make disciples. While there are many ways to personally disciple someone, here is how we do it at Revival City Church. From top to bottom, adults and children alike, we follow a simple and reproducible method to equip all believers for the specific ministry of making disciples.​


3/3 Meeting Format 


Every time you meet with your disciple, you will use the Three-Thirds (3/3) Meeting Format, which gives a general structure for your time together. The first dozen or so times you meet with your disciple, the "New Lesson" and "Set Goals" portion will be determined by the Commands of Christ, which teach foundational truths and necessities for the Christian life. On the chart below, we have provided a general outline for each of the commands, as well as a "Deeper Dive," which is designed to give you a more in-depth understanding of the topic and possible questions that could come up with your disciple. As you continue to make disciples, you will likely need the Deeper Dive less, so we made them separate resources.


Important Note: These resources are for the Disciple Maker only. Do not send these to the people you are discipling! They need to walk through the process without the answers. Also, don't simply read these aloud during your time with your disciple. Take the time to become familiar with it beforehand. They will replicate what they see from you!

Oikos Map


Oikos is the greek word for household. One of the ways we see the gospel spread so rapidly in scripture is through relational networks. This appears to be an intentional and strategic method used by both Jesus and the Apostles (John 1.35-51, Acts 10.34-48; 16.14-15, 30-33). The Oikos map is a tool that helps followers of Jesus intentionally pray for people in their lives.

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